There is a long standing history of financial awareness courses coming from Optimum Results. Our experienced trainers can teach a huge variety of finance training ranging from basic finance for business managers to advanced finance including risk assessment to cost margins and profitability.
An Introduction to Financial Management & Awareness
The Essentials of Financial Management & Awareness is designed to provide non-financial managers with the tools and basic understanding of finances. They will provide the tools for managers to make critical financial decisions based on figures. It is designed for business owners and managers of any sector or size who need to further develop their financial background.
Participants will gain an understanding in dealing with business accounts, budgetary and financial management. Finance is an ever changing landscape that can be difficult to stay on top of. It is important to continue to upskill and not fall behind the curve. When it comes to finance its easy to just hobble along getting by weekly or monthly with no plan. Putting together a financial plan is difficult without the knowledge or support required. Improving your planning will help you make informed business decisions based on your financial status or plans. Participants will also gain the ability to develop and understand your business profit and growth plan.
This course is also live via online interactive workshop that is delivered by our experienced trainer via Zoom. The course is delivered over a half day workshop. It is broken down into three one hour modules that have ten-minute break in between modules.
Benefits of Understanding Finance
Well, where do we begin? There are tons of benefits when it comes to understanding finance that ranges from both your professional and personal life. As the world is moving more towards stats and analytics it is as important as ever to understand the essentials of finance. When it comes to business, almost every single decision is based on a financial return. If not directly then in return for financial benefit. When companies undertake projects around branding it tends to come alongside predictions and cost benefit analysis.
This programme will provide you with an understanding of the language of business finance as well as how funds will flow through your business. Gain knowledge about key financial performance indicators, including being able to set them yourself. This programme will also address how to deal with the implication of any payments or grants your business receives.
Enhance your abilities to review costing and pricing. This course covers how to develop your financial dashboard summary and a profit and growth plan which are the perfect tools to use for ensuring your meeting key performance indicators.
More information on this Course?
There If you would like more information on this course and how it can benefit your company, contact Susan at [email protected] or you can call the office on +353 4293 33033.