The Effective Business Advisor [ETF]
The Effective Business Advisor (EBA) is a specialist training programme designed to build the competencies of SME client engaging staff. Classified by the EU’s Training Foundation (ETF) as an “International Best Practice Programme”, it is delivered by experienced, well qualified, trainer specialists in the field of SME Development. EBA has benefited hundreds of participants across several Countries with an aggregate satisfaction rating of 97.33%

3 full day classroom and 6 half day online workshops

Interactive Sessions
Engaging Content

Experienced Trainers
Experts in their field

Resources & Materials
Reference notes
The Effective Business Advisor (EBA) is a specialist training programme designed to build the competencies (knowledge, skills, attitude & behaviour) of the client engaging staff of Business Development Agencies. Equally, it is appropriate for any personnel working in the field of Advising, Facilitating or Mentoring SME Managers to optimise the performance of their businesses.
Following a rigorous peer review in 2015, EBA was classified by the EU’s Training Foundation (ETF) as an “International Best Practice Programme”. Delivered by experienced and well qualified trainers in the specialist field of SME Development, EBA has been enjoyed by participants in several Countries.
This programme is suitable for any personnel working in the field of Advising, Facilitating or Mentoring SME Managers to optimise the performance of their businesses.
On completion of the training participants will have:
- A good understanding of the SME sector and SME Management behaviours and needs.
- An excellent understanding of the holistic business model as a framework for business performance, analysis and planning.
- Significantly improved ability to identify ”value added” opportunities for your clients.
- Confidence to engage in business discussion with clients about performance and development.
- A good understanding of the key disciplines of business.
- A good understanding of the process of SME growth and development of the process of facilitating SME Management thinking and decision making.
- Completed a work-book assignment/Client Case Study to the standard required to be awarded the “Advanced Certificate in Client Business Development”.
The Programme will be delivered using a mix of methods which have been tried and tested by the delivery team over the past ten years. These include:
- Delivery via Zoom or another suitable platform. Optimum Results Ltd has developed the capability to deliver highly effective training interventions and have been able to use the full functionality of Zoom/ Microsoft Teams to enhance the experience for Participants. Confidentiality can be maintained using individual Breakout Rooms where Participants can talk on a one-to-one basis with the Trainer as required.
- On-site Delivery at your business premises or at our state-of-the-art training rooms
Usually delivered over 12 – 14 weeks, the programme involves 9 Modules of Training, 3 x full days of classroom and 6 x half day online interactive workshops. The training programme concludes with participants submitting a Work Based Assignment / Client Case History.
This programme consists of the below modules:
1 – Onsite Full day
-Overview, Objectives & Outputs
-The World of the SME Owner Manager
-Business Performance Assessment
-Management & Leadership
-The Holistic Business Model
-Strategic Planning
2 – Online Half Day
-Information collection
-Questions & Interpreting Information
3 – Online Half Day
-Sales & Customer Retention
-Competitive Advantage
-Value Proposition
4 – Online Half Day
-Omni Chanel Sales
-Doing Business online
5 – Onsite Full day
-Understanding and interpreting financial information
-SME case Shitry participative exercise 1
6 – Online Half Day
-Pricing Strategies
-Cash Flow Management & Funding
7 – Online Half Day
-Leading & Developing People
8 – Online Half Day
-Innovation & Environment
9 – Onsite Full day
-Managing Relationships & Boundaries
-Managing Self & ongoing Personal Development
-Programme Summary & Review / Discussion
-Submitting the Work Based Assignment (WBA)
-Overall Programme Evaluation

Get Started
Request a proposal for the Professional Business Advisors Programme.
The Effective Business Advisors Programme FAQs
Optimum Results have been delivering bespoke training programmes and customised mentoring solutions to our clients both domestically and internationally since 1995. We are thrilled to have fantastic case studies and testimonials to showcase our work over the years.
We also pride ourselves in our quality of training content and delivery, and as such, we offer a satisfaction guarantee to our clients.
The fantastic thing about this course, and all our programmes, is that they are completely customised to meet your specific objectives. Training can have extremely positive effects on your organisation, from getting a plan of action together, to getting you out of a rut, to helping your team get across that ‘hump’ that they are struggling with.
We can bridge that skills gap that you currently have, and empower your team, by providing them with the essential advice and support that they need.
Absolutely. All our sessions start with learning your objectives, and tailoring the session to meet these objectives.
Contact us today through the form below, or by emailing us on [email protected], or phone at 042 93 33033.
Contact us today to discuss our pricing and payment options available.
We have a dedicated helpdesk for all our training programmes. Our friendly team are always on hand to answer your questions and provide you with any additional support you may need.
Absolutely. Our range of delivery options ensures we can safely deliver all training programmes and mentoring sessions remotely, and just as effectively.