Optimum Results

Management Development Programme

This tailored Management Development Programme is your key to unlocking managerial excellence. From sharpening strategic thinking to perfecting interpersonal skills, this program provides practical insights for tangible real-world results.

Course Benefits

Why Optimum Results?

Trusted By

International Development Ireland Client Logo
New Frontiers client Logo
Enterprise Ireland Client Logo
The Wright Group Client Logo
Skillnet Ireland Client Logo
LEO client Logo
Management Development Programme

Most companies recognise and reward good staff by promoting them, but who has given them the skills to excel in their new role? Shown them how to be a great manager and leader? Often newly promoted staff fall, not due to experience, drive or ability, but simply because no one has given the training and tools they need to succeed with this step into management.

Course Content - In person or online

  • Understanding & Managing Self
  • Management & Leadership
  • Managing & Developing People
  • Internal & External Customer
  • Understanding Costs, Budgets and Finance
  • Problem-Solving, Decision Making & Innovation
  • Personal Development, Positivity & The Work Environment

European Training Foundation (ETF)

The European Training Foundation is a European Union agency that helps transition and developing countries harness the potential of their human capital through the reform of education, training and labour market systems, and in the context of the EU’s external relations policy. 


Optimum Results now have 3 of their training programmes to be recognised as “International Best Practice” by the ETF. We are the only training provider in the world to be recognised in this manner.

ETF Logo
Leadership Training

About Optimum Results Ltd

Optimum Results offers a wide range of specialised training programs tailored to diverse business needs. Our courses cover Business Strategy, Growth & Development, Management and Leadership Skills, People Management & Development (HRD), Business Skills (Soft Skills), Financial Awareness and Planning, Personal Development/Managing Self, Sales, Marketing, eCommerce, and Customer Care, as well as Health & Safety/Compliance. Each program is meticulously designed to enhance specific areas crucial for business success.