Optimum Results

Leadership for Growth

The Leadership for Growth Programme provides an exceptional opportunity for SME Owners and Managers to refine and enhance the necessary leadership, business strategy, growth and export skills and knowledge required to successfully compete in existing and new markets.

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Option A: 6 x Full days onsite
Option B: 3 x Full days onsite and 6 x half days online
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Interactive Sessions

Engaging, Interactive, Practical

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Experienced Trainers

Qualified Industry Specialists

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Resources & Materials

Workbooks, Slides, Case Studies, Tools, Templates, Handouts, Exercises

This follows two parallel themes 

(i) Actions for developing a Strategic Business Plan and 

(ii) Actions for Personal Development 


The programme is based on the Optimum Results’ Holistic Business Model, which is a framework that demonstrates how SME Managers must consider every aspect of the business to implement an effective and successful growth strategy. This model is used for both Analysis and Planning.

SME Owners or Senior Managers who are focused on growing their business and developing leadership skills.

On completion of this programme, participants will have developed a Strategic Plan for their business. The participants will have access to ongoing mentorship to assist them with implementing the plan into their business. Participants who submit the Strategic Plan for their business are awarded the accredited European Training Foundation (ETF) “Advanced Certificate in SME Strategic Management”.

Onsite and Online 

The Programme will be delivered using a mix of methods. These include: 


Delivery via Zoom or another suitable platform. Optimum Results Ltd has developed the capability to deliver highly effective training interventions and has been able to use the full functionality of Zoom/ Microsoft Teams to enhance the experience for participants. Confidentiality can be maintained using individual Breakout Rooms where participants can talk on a one-to-one basis with the Trainer as required. 


Alternatively, on-site delivery at your business premises or at our training rooms is also another option. Many clients prefer a blend of online and in-person workshops.

3-5 months

A pre-training assessment programme which includes learner profiling and participant registration and information gathering, where a three-part online self-assessment exercise is completed including: 

I. Current Business Performance Assessment 

II. Ambition & Potential for Growth & Export 

III. Management Competencies & Needs Assessment


Workshop One: Introduction, Strategic Planning and Managing Self

Workshop Two: Leadership Vs Management

Workshops Three: Target Markets, Value Proposition, Acquiring Customers, Customer Care

Workshops Four: Digital Marketing – eMarketing & eCommerce

Workshop Five: Financial Management – Managing Profitability and Cash Flow

Workshop Six: Operational Excellence – Systems, Innovation and Evolution

One-to-One Mentoring: Optional additional mentoring is available throughout, at times convenient for the participant

In 2020 we started our third round of Management and Staff Development Programmes with Optimum Results (Dundalk). The first was a 12 Day programme for Divisional Managers and Supervisors and the second was a more advanced programme for our Senior Managers, which utilised the findings and observations from Programme 1. The third programme combined basic level First Line Management training with continued up skilling of our Middle and Senior Team. The feedback from the training received from Optimum Results is always very positive, and all participants agree that results exceed our expectations.
Philip Fagan
Kellett’s/Respa Beds

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      The Leadership For Growth FAQs

      Optimum Results have been delivering bespoke training programmes and customised mentoring solutions to our clients both domestically and internationally since 1995. We are thrilled to have fantastic case studies and testimonials to showcase our work over the years.


      We also pride ourselves in our quality of training content and delivery, and as such, we offer a satisfaction guarantee to our clients.

      The fantastic thing about this course, and all our programmes, is that they are completely customised to meet your specific objectives. Training can have extremely positive effects on your organisation, from getting a plan of action together, to getting you out of a rut, to helping your team get across that ‘hump’ that they are struggling with.


      We can bridge that skills gap that you currently have, and empower your team, by providing them with the essential advice and support that they need.

      Absolutely. All our sessions start with learning your objectives, and tailoring the session to meet these objectives.


      Contact us today through the form below, or by emailing us on [email protected], or phone at 042 93 33033.


      Contact us today to discuss our pricing and payment options available.


      We have a dedicated helpdesk for all our training programmes. Our friendly team are always on hand to answer your questions and provide you with any additional support you may need.