Optimum Results

Strategic Leadership for Growth

A comprehensive programme specifically designed for SME Owners and Managers. This exclusive course delves into leadership, business strategy, growth and export skills essential for thriving in diverse markets. Participants will discover Optimum Results’ Holistic Business Model, empowering them to strategies and implement effective Growth Plans.


6 full day workshops

Interactive Sessions

Engaging Content

Experienced Trainers

Experts in their field

Resources & Materials

Reference notes

The program is designed to elevate leadership skills, craft effective business strategies and stimulate growth. Engaging with Optimum Results’ Holistic Business Model, participants gain a profound understanding of vital business dynamics crucial for successful Strategic Leadership Growth.


Through interactive sessions featuring real case studies, attendees acquire in-depth insights into pivotal business aspects essential for growth strategies. The program fosters proficiency in strategic planning, leadership and logistics navigation.


Additionally, it offers the chance to attain an ETF “Advanced Certificate in SME Strategic Management.” This exclusive initiative equips participants with amplified leadership abilities, a well-defined strategic growth blueprint, comprehensive knowledge in finance, marketing, and customer relations, along with practical tools for operational excellence, providing a competitive edge to drive sustainable business expansion across global markets.

This programme is suitable for SME Owners and Managers to optimise the performance of their businesses.

On completion of the training participants will have:


  • Enhanced leadership and management skills.
  • A clear strategic plan for business growth.
  • Profound insights into finance, marketing, and customer relations.
  • Practical tools for managing profitability, cash flow and operational excellence.

This programme offers SME Owners and Managers an exclusive opportunity to gain invaluable insights, practical skills and a strategic outlook to drive sustainable business growth and succeed in diverse global markets.

The programme entails expert-led sessions, practical workshops, personalised mentorship, and emphasises action-oriented learning.

Delivered over 6 Months with 6 full-day onsite classroom skill development training workshops. One-to-one mentoring is also available.

As with all Optimum Results Training programmes, participants have access to our ‘Help Desk’ During working hours through the programme and for two months following.

This programme consists of the following modules, however, modules can be changed and edited to suit clients’ needs:


  • Workshop One: Introduction, Innovation,
    Business Planning and Managing Self
  • Workshop Two: Leadership V Management
  • Workshops Three & Four: Marketing, Selling Skills, eMarketing & eCommerce
  • Workshop Five: Managing Profitability
    and Cash Flow
  • Workshop Six: Operational Excellence

One-to-One Mentoring: Mentoring conducted throughout, at times convenient for the participant



I had the pleasure of completing the LEO Leadership for Growth programme with Optimum Results this year. The course offered me time out of my business to focus on the business. As a busy Director, it was hugely beneficial for me to step away from the day to day and have 'focus' time on the strategic direction of the business. Each module was packed with useful information, tips and recommendations which I am now applying in my business. The programme encourages you to create a strategic business plan which is brilliant as it's not always something we put high on our to do list! I would recommend this programme to all business owners. Thanks to Aidan, Frank, Nikki and Ceri for creating and delivering a great programme.
Donna Reilly
Donna Reilly Wellness

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      The Strategic Leadership for Growth Programme FAQs

      Optimum Results have been delivering bespoke training programmes and customised mentoring solutions to our clients both domestically and internationally since 1995. We are thrilled to have fantastic case studies and testimonials to showcase our work over the years.


      We also pride ourselves in our quality of training content and delivery, and as such, we offer a satisfaction guarantee to our clients.

      The fantastic thing about this course, and all our programmes, is that they are completely customised to meet your specific objectives. Training can have extremely positive effects on your organisation, from getting a plan of action together, to getting you out of a rut, to helping your team get across that ‘hump’ that they are struggling with.


      We can bridge that skills gap that you currently have, and empower your team, by providing them with the essential advice and support that they need.

      Absolutely. All our sessions start with learning your objectives, and tailoring the session to meet these objectives.


      Contact us today through the form below, or by emailing us on info@optimumresults.ie, or phone at 042 93 33033.


      Contact us today to discuss our pricing and payment options available.


      We have a dedicated helpdesk for all our training programmes. Our friendly team are always on hand to answer your questions and provide you with any additional support you may need.